Monday, July 11, 2011

Let's Go WILD for Jesus!

A huge welcome to all the children and volunteers for this year's VBS program! Pack your bags, grab your Bible, and get ready to embark on a Big Jungle Adventure, a Faith Journey with Jesus!  Come with us as we go WILD for Jesus.  We'll study five amazing stories of God's love and how we protects us against all odds.

VBS Theme Verse:

"The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed and bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom. To Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen"
2 Timothy 4:18

We're trying a new format for VBS this year. The program will run over 3 full days, from 8:45am to 3:30pm, with two lessons per day. We'll also be providing a before and after program for working families. We hope that, with this new format, we will be more accessible to these families and will be able to reach more children with our VBS ministry.

Wear Your WILD!

Get your VBS "Big Jungle Adventure" and show that you are WILD about Jesus!  These shirts are available at a cost of only $6, and are available in various sizes and colours.  All proceeds from t-shirt sales will go to support our VBS 2011 mission, Seeds of Hope.  For more information, or to place an order, contact Rebecca at

Seeds of Hope: A CLWR Project

"In every seedling, there is the possibility of a strong tree that bears fruit. In every person, there is potential for a bright future."

As we plant our own seeds in our gardens, flower beds, or fields, we best understand the possibility and potential of every living thing.  As a supporter of CLWR, you share in an incredible legacy of caring. You can make a real difference and a fantastic positive impact around the world.

You are making a real difference by providing:
  • clean, safe well water for household use & irrigation
  • a voice for women in the community
  • access to basic health care
  • children with classrooms & trained teachers
  • families with business and micro-finance loans
  • communities with secure food through agricultural training, implements, livestock, and seeds
  • people with the warmth of a quilt stitched by loving hands in churches across Canada
  • refugees a new home in Canada
  • support to rebuild lives destroyed by natural disasters

Seeds of  Hope is our VBS 2011 mission project. All freewill offerings collected and the proceeds from our VBS t-shirt sales will go to support CLWR in these meaningful projects.