Thursday, July 14, 2011

Lesson 4: The Resurrection Race (John 20:1-10, 19-21)

When was the last time you just ran, full speed, flat out with no regard for how you looked or who was watching? Why were you running? Were you afraid? Excited? Full of joy?

In John's gospel, we find people running back and forth from Jesus' tomb, as they discover His body is missing.  Why do you think they were running? Were they afraid? Excited? Full of joy?  The Bible doesn't tell us what was going on in their heads during this tumultuous event. They didn't know if Jesus' body had been stolen by the soldiers who put Him to death, or if He had indeed risen from the dead.

Among the people running back and forth was Mary Magdelene and the apostle Peter, one of Jesus' disciples. Before Mary Magdelene had been a follower of Jesus, she was a dwelling place for seven demons. Imagine life under the control of seven demons! She lived in fear, pain, chaos, guilt, and shame.  Then, one day, Jesus walked into her life and drove those demons out. In a moment, He showed that He was able to save mankind from the power of the devil. She left her old life behind, followed Jesus, and became one of His most faithful subjects. How would she feel standing outside the empty tomb?  Could it be? Has the One who delivered her from the control of the devil now, Himself, been delivered from death?

Peter, "the rock", was a loyal follower of Jesus, but when Jesus was arrested a few days earlier, Peter three times denied even knowing Him. Peter never had a chance to apologize to Jesus for this sin, or to hear His Words of forgiveness, before Jesus was taken away and crucified.  But now, in the early hours of the morning, Jesus' tomb is empty. Could Peter believe that Jesus really conquered death and the devil, and is now alive again?  Can you believe it?

We don't know what thoughts were going through Mary's and Peter's minds as they raced back and forth from the empty tomb. But we do know what the empty tomb meant for their lives, and what it means for ours:  we are saved! Jesus rose to save us from sin, death, and the power of the devil, and to give us hope of eternal life.

Take Home Point:

Jesus rose from the dead to save us.

Bible Memory Verse:

"The Lord has risen indeed."
                                               Luke 24:34

Fun Fact
  • Cheetahs are the fastest land animal, and can run over 200km/h! It has the ability to accelerate from 0 to 103 km/h (64 mph) in three seconds, faster than most super cars. (Wiki Answers)
Flash the Cheetah