Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Lesson 2: Rockin' Red Sea Rescue (Exodus 14:10-29)

After escaping from Pharaoh's rule by God's mighty hand, the Israealites suddenly find themselves as the focus of a heated pursuit. With Pharaoh and his army fast approaching, and the great Red Sea ahead of them, they are quickly running out of real estate. 

Although they are losing hope and have a tentative grasp on their faith in God's ability to help them, they call out to Him in fear and terror. How quickly they'd forgotten all that the Lord had done to free them from Pharaoh's grasp: the ten plagues of Egypt.  If we put ourselves in their sandals, we can understand their dilemma: a huge sea on one side and a charging army on the other. They had no place to go. Fear and despair can often lead us to lose sight of God and loosen our faith in His power.

Fortunately, Moses brings the people God's word to "stand firm" and "see the salvation of the Lord". Moses' strong faith saves the Israelites, as he parts the Red Sea bringing them safely along dry ground to the other shore. When God gives the word again, Moses stretches out his hand and returns the Red Sea to it's place, destroying Pharaoh's army. 

The Israelites found themselves in a hopeless situation where death seemed imminent. But nothing is impossible to God who, in spite their doubts, gives them His promise to rescue them and bring them safely out of harms way. We also live in a world where we are pursued by a powerful enemy: Satan, and because of sin, death is always nearby. But the same God who loved and rescued the Israelites then loves us today and sent His Son, Jesus, to conquer death and the power of the devil. Jesus paid the price for our sins, so we can have eternal life with Him.

Take Home Point:

Jesus rescues us from our enemies -- sin, death, and the devil.

Bible Memory Verse:

"The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer."
                                                                                                        Psalm 18:2

Fun Fact:
  • Just as the Israelites walked along the ground through the Red Sea, hippos are able to sink in a body of water and run along the bottom.
Humphrey the Hippo